730 Days Together In Love As Soultmates

Happy 2 Year Anniversary My Love!

There Were Cuddles

There Were Goofy Times

Someone is a little scared of the midge flies... 😉

We Went to Florida

We went to Disney and Universal! And then we caught the big 'Rona

The 'Rona Aftermath

Someone passed out on the floor trying to pack...

Corona Times Hit Hard

We didn't have any pictures from the first lockdown... So here's a goofy one from the before times.

It Was Summer Time!

We Went to Florida... Again

Look at your beautiful smile on that jet ski 🙂

We Were in Florida - DUH

Late Summer Fun

We Had Parties...

...And We Got DRUNK.

We Dressed Up

We Went on a Trip!

There Were Beach Days...

Goofy Times...




And Happy Days

But Most Importantly...

We got to spend the entire year together creating memories that will last the rest of our lives! I love you so much Elizabeth Rose and I wouldn’t trade our memories for anything. Happy 2 year anniversary my love bug <3